Pictures of Blaze


Blaze is very muscular. He is calm when haltered and worked with. In the last month he has become a people horse. Blaze has filled out well. His has a well formed rump. He is a fast learner.

Blaze is learning fast. He is getting in some round pen time.


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Blaze as a 2 year old before left for 60 days of training.

Blaze as a 2 year old before left for 60 days of training.

Blaze as a 2 year old before left for 60 days of training.

Blaze as a 2 year old days before he went to training.

Blaze as a 2 year old days before he went to training.

This is Blaze as a yearling.

This is Blaze right before weaning August 13th.


August 28, 2005

This picture was taken after weaning. He is learning lots of new things. We are working with him on tying and trailer loading. He is doing great.


May 29, 2005

May 29, 2005

April 10, 2005

April 10, 2005

April 2, 2005

April 2, 2005